Tag: Jane Sinclair

  • Elijah and Dvořák

    We hope you and your loved ones are well following the Lockdown period. Perhaps you are now beginning to see some family members and friends, all the while retaining the physical distancing and hand-washing recommended.  But still we cannot go to the theatre or the concert hall. During this period the choir has not been able to…

  • ANZAC Day 2020

    ** STOP PRESS ** As a result of the hugely positive response, the video of An Australian War Requiem will remain available for a further week, to the end of Sunday May 3rd, the day that we were to have held our first concert of 2020. ** STOP PRESS ** For the first time in…

  • Pandemic Arrangements

    In the light of current circumstances we are – regrettably – unable to continue with the first two scheduled concerts of 2020, Handel’s Esther in May and Faure’s Requiem in August. Our current plan – to be confirmed in due course – is that these two concerts will be moved to May and August 2021.…